The main objective of our project is to facilitate access to original language works for students studying at foreign language and literature faculties of universities in Turkey and Europe and to support their academic and intellectual development. To this end, we aim to collect original works in different languages and make them available to students in need by utilizing international cooperation and digital tools.

  • To facilitate the access of students studying at the faculties of foreign languages and literature at universities in Turkey, Italy, Portugal and Spain to works in the original language and to reduce the cost of these works.
  • Establishing an international book donation network to ensure that books in different languages are collected and delivered to students in need.
  • To provide an effective and sustainable solution by organizing book donations on a digital platform through the web application developed by the project partners.
  • To strengthen social connections between student communities and encourage reading habits through book donations and free book fairs.
  • At the end of the project, contributing to the academic and intellectual development of young people in the participating countries and making them a qualified workforce in the future.

Project Coordinator

Birlik Foundation, founded on May 29, 1985, aims to ensure that our people, who are the guarantee of the future, become individuals who are faithful, patriotic, cultured, highly scientific, and have modern scientific and technological knowledge, and to contribute to the development and progress of our nation in unity and peace.
Birlik Foundation, in line with the Foundation Charter, provides scholarship opportunities to students in need every year to meet the needs of university youth.
In order to accomplish this, every year since 1985, needy and successful university students are selected by our scholarship commission and scholarships are distributed regularly for 8 months.
Our cultural and educational activities continue regularly as every year. In line with the foundation’s charter, weekly conferences held on Saturdays are given by scholars and scientists. By opening various language and handicraft courses, the works of the trainees are also exhibited in the exhibitions organized at the end of the year.

A Portuguese association active in youth work and information, operating as an ESC-accredited organization for years and implementing various Erasmus+ projects focused on youth.

An association for youth development promoting education, social, cultural, and economic participation through activities and policies to sustain and advance young people’s growth.

It carries out activities that provide opportunities for young people to acquire skills through a variety of international activities that support their social and professional development.

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